“Acne", “acne", “pimples" a few simple treatments, you can treat yourself at home!

Insomnia will grow acne, constipation will grow acne, stress will grow acne, women will grow acne during menstruation.

“Acne, commonly known as “pimples", is known as “acne" in Chinese medicine, and the symptoms of “acne" are more complicated. “The symptoms of acne are relatively complex, 面部暗瘡and treatment should follow the principle of diagnosis and treatment, not based on local inflammation and cold medicine, but should distinguish between cold, heat, deficiency, and reality, and combine local diagnosis with overall diagnosis.

From the perspective of Western medicine, it is a common dermatological disease, a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles. It is a chronic inflammatory skin disease of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles. It tends to occur in adolescents and has a great psychological and social impact on them. Clinically, 暗瘡消炎藥it occurs on the face, neck, shoulders and back, often characterized by papules, pustules, nodules and other polymorphic lesions, and in severe cases, cysts and abscesses may appear. The cause of this disease is not completely clear.

Everyone loves beauty, and anyone who has acne wants to get rid of it. However, many of these things come back again and again. 青春期暗瘡處理方法The following are a few ways to introduce “acne" simple exercise therapy:

First, wash your face, then cut a tomato on both sides and rub it on your face, have a head acne area and rub it several times, then wash with water.

Second, take a tomato, mashed, add a few drops of lemon juice and 30 ml of yogurt, mix well, put on the face, 20 ~ 30 minutes to wash off.

Cabbage (cabbage) leaves 5 pieces, squeeze out the juice, dipped in cotton sauce on the face, and then squeeze blackheads acne.

The application of patented medicine: anti-acne and anti-inflammatory medicine.

Traditional medicine classifies acne into the following categories.

1. Excessive heat in the lungs and stomach

This type is the most common inflammatory acne, patients tend to be in adolescence, the rash occurs in the face, chest and back can have a small amount of rash, skin damage is mainly red papules, some have pus, itching and pain, tongue red, moss thin white or thin yellow, slippery or slippery fine, dry stools.

2. Dampness evil condensation

Damp-heat acne, usually pus-filled, usually occurs on the face, but also on the upper back of the chest and shoulder blades. Typical lesions are follicular papules, gray papules, reddish color, small pus-filled pimples, which heal after rupture, leaving temporary hyperpigmentation or mildly indented scars.

3. Heat-toxic congestion

This type of patients with acute onset, more severe clinical symptoms, greasy face, skin lesions with nodules, cysts, abscesses, blackheads and acne, belonging to the cysts, polymerized acne paradigm. Some patients have penetrating folliculitis (called “hemorrhoids" in Chinese medicine), suppurative sweating, red tongue, yellow or greasy hair, slippery veins or small dots on the head.

Soup treatment:

Recommended soup(1)

Ingredients: Fish Maw 20g

Preparation: Clean fishy grass, put into a pot, add water and boil, take fishy grass water to drink.

Effects: Clearing away heat and removing toxins.

Recommended Soups(2)

Ingredients: Kelp Green Bean Soup 15 grams of kelp, green beans, 9 grams of sweet almonds, brown sugar.

Preparation: Cook all ingredients together, then add brown sugar to eat.

Effects: Clearing heat and removing toxins, laxative.

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